Düsseldorf/Leipzig, February 26, 2025 – Priavoid GmbH and PRInnovation GmbH announce today that the recruitment for the clinical Phase II study PRImus-AD, which investigates the drug candidate PRI-002 for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in terms of safety and efficacy, has been successfully completed.

The recruitment phase was completed on schedule – a significant milestone that underlines the exceptional cooperation of all partners involved.

In total, 40 test centers were activated in six European countries last year, 540 patients were screened and 304 patients were successfully enrolled in the study. The PRImus-AD study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PRI-002 in patients at an early stage of Alzheimer’s disease. This innovative first-in-class drug targets the causes of neuronal destruction in Alzheimer’s disease based on a purely physical mechanism of action. This approach differs fundamentally from antibody-based therapies and aims to ensure a safe and disease-modifying effect.

“PRI-002 has considerable advantages over previous therapies, especially antibody therapies directed against protein deposits. With PRI-002, there is no risk of brain swelling during therapy, which means that regular MRI examinations are no longer necessary,” explains Prof. Oliver Peters, MD, Medical Director of the study. “In addition, PRI-002 can be easily taken orally as a capsule and does not have to be administered as an infusion by a doctor.”

“The successful completion of recruitment demonstrates a tremendous achievement and great commitment from everyone involved,” says Dr. Dagmar Jürgens, Director of Clinical Development at Priavoid GmbH. “We are hopeful about the future of the program.”

The study is being conducted by PRInnovation GmbH as the sponsor and funded by the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation SPRIND. The results are expected in the second half of 2026. If the results are positive, a phase III approval study will then be launched with a pharmaceutical partner.

About Priavoid GmbH:

Priavoid GmbH is a clinical-stage drug developer. The company develops novel all-D-peptide drug candidates for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or tauopathies. All drug candidates are designed with an anti-prionic mechanism of action to dissolve neurotoxic protein aggregates. Priavoid is a spin-off of Heinrich
Heine University Düsseldorf and Research Center Jülich and was founded in 2017. The company is privately financed, including by Qiagen co-founder Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Detlev Riesner.




The Federal Agency for Breakthrough Innovation SPRIND was founded on December 16, 2019 with its registered office in Leipzig. The sole shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). SPRIND closes a gap in the German innovation landscape: it finds new, ground-breaking technologies for the major challenges of our time and at the same time ensures that the added value of the resulting companies and industries remains in Germany and Europe. SPRIND is financed by funds from the federal budget. SPRIND is managed by Rafael Laguna de la Vera and Berit Dannenberg.



About PRInnovation GmbH:

PRInnovation GmbH, based in Leipzig and Düsseldorf, was founded in June 2021. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Federal Agency for Breakthrough Innovation. PRInnovation GmbH is managed by Dr. Kathrin Zeiger and Dr. Alexander Brener. PRInnovation is working on the clinical development of the therapeutic all-D peptide PRI-002, a drug candidate against Alzheimer’s dementia with an innovative mechanism of action. PRInnovation is assuming sponsor responsibilities and duties for the PRImus-AD study, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase II clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of PRI-002 in patients with Alzheimer’s.




Press Release
Recruitment for Phase II clinical trial of Alzheimer’s drug PRI-002 successfully completed

About Priavoid GmbH:
Priavoid GmbH is a clinical-stage drug developer. The company develops novel all-D-peptide drug candidates for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or tauopathies. All drug candidates are designed with an anti-prionic mechanism of action to dissolve neurotoxic protein aggregates. Priavoid is a spin-off of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and Research Center Jülich and was founded in 2017. The company is privately financed, including by Qiagen co-founder Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Detlev Riesner.